Natural forests take 100s & of years to develop & they last for 1000s of years. What a natural forest does for the ecosystem is never replaceable by Miyawaki forests. Its wrong to say if we cut trees or forests somewhere, we’ll replace them by using Miyawaki method. Old-growth forests are millions of years old and can never be replaced and they can regenerate only if they are not disturbed too much.

Karankata Natural Forest

Karankata Natural Forest

Thus it would be bold of us to say Miyawaki forests are no substitute for natural ones: The Japanese technique of growing dense plantations in a short time is being used by NGOs like us and companies to increase green cover.


Biodiversity developed in 2 months at project Canpack India Pvt Ltd.


The growth of Miyawaki forests in many patches across India has helped increase in the green cover and generated a lot of optimism as it helps create amazing bio-diversity through the Native trees planted & also within the Sub soil food chain & Top soil food chain.

Miyawaki Forests

Miyawaki Forests created by Forest Creators

Natural forests take 100’s & of years to develop & they last for 1000’s of years. What a natural forest does for the ecosystem is never replaceable by Miyawaki forests. Its wrong to say if we cut trees or forests somewhere, we’ll replace them by using Miyawaki method. Old-growth forests are millions of years old and can never be replaced and they can regenerate only if they are not disturbed too much. What Miyawaki forests does is trying to help create Micro bio-diversity & restoring the ecosystem of the Land & surroundings as fast as possible & replicate the Natural forest benefits quickly.

If you do not plant forests using the basic principle of Dr. Akira Miyawaki , Nativeness… Then the fast-growing plantations are actually wood lots and cannot be termed as forests. A wood lot doesn’t help with developing Bio-diversity or restoring the eco system.

Miyawaki forests need to be maintained only for two to three years after which they can sustain themselves. The Native multi species forest & its trees start bearing fruits, attracts subsoil creatures to come up for eating the dead leaves & fruits, which in turn attracts birds. Flowers & leaves attract butterflies and bees. “It is a good way to improve the green cover, and improve air quality & improve water levels.Especially in pockets of congested cities.

miyawaki forest

Air quality and water level has improved by planting 3000 trees around the society

Forests are very dense, which restricts the movement of any possible wildlife the forest might attract. Nothing can replace something that is very natural in its form, like natural forests, but Miyawaki plantations can supplement and complement them.
